
R Remote Version 4.5 Users Guide 39
The following error, warning, and confirmation messages may be displayed on the popup window. Please
follow the instructions.
Error messages
Possible cause
Cannot unpack the file.
File path may be too long
Make sure that the file path is less than 260
Failed the temporary unpacking of the
firmware file. File path may be too long.
Make sure that the file path is less than 260
Cannot unpack the file.
User directory cannot be edited.
Make sure that edits to this directory are
Failed the temporary unpacking of the
firmware file. User directory cannot be
Make sure that edits to this directory are
Invalid file.
Select a valid file.
Invalid file or unsupported file was selected.
The firmware file for R Remote contains the
device firmware and the Dante firmware,
unlike in previous files before R Remote was
Select a valid firmware file. You can find "-
rrmt" in a file name of the firmware file
supported by R Remote.
Unexpected error occurred.
Please restart the R Remote software and try
Unexpected error occurred.
Restart the R Remote software and try again.
Dante Control and Monitoring service not
Make sure that the Dante Controller is
installed and the service is running. Then
restart R Remote software.
Dante Control and Monitoring service is not
Make sure that the Dante Controller is
installed and the service is running. Then
restart R Remote software.
Firmware update failed for device(s).
Check network connection and try again.
Firmware update failed for device(s).
· Check the network settings (page 10) and
network connection (page 33), and then try
· If the device has been locked with Dante
Device Lock, unlock it from the Dante
Controller, and then try again.
· If the device is connected to your computer
via a network, connect your computer
directly to the Dante [PRIMARY] connector
of the device, and then try again.
Dante Network Setting Failed
Network settings for Dante Firmware Update
has failed.
Change the Dante network settings using the
Dante Controller. Refer to "Dante Controller
User’s Guide" for details.
Warning Messages
Cause and action
Update in progress.
Wait until update is completed
The Close button [X] was pressed during the update. Wait until update is completed.
Confirmation Messages
Cause and action
Cancel update?
This will cancel the update of all waiting
The [Cancel] button was pressed during the update. Press the [Yes (Y)] button to cancel
the update or press the [No (N)] button to continue the update.
One or more devices have not been updated
The Close button [X] was pressed while one or more devices which failed the update
exists. Press the [Yes (Y)] button to quit the R Remote or press the [No (N)] button to
continue the update.
Select file?
One or more devices have not been updated
The [Select] button was pressed while one or more devices which failed the update exists.
Press the [Yes (Y)] button to select a firmware file or press the [No (N)] button to cancel the