
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2018 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using Wi-Fi and Multicast Transmit Flows
When using a Wi-Fi network connection between Dante Controller and your Dante network, any multicast
transmit flows configured in your network routing can flood the Wi-Fi link, and degrade the performance of
the link.
You may be experiencing this condition if:
1. You are using a Wi-Fi network connection
2. You have multicast transmit flows in place
3. You observe speed or stability issues with your Wi-Fi connection
Remedial action
Remove or reduce the multicast traffic
The easiest way to remedy this condition is to either remove all multicast flows and use unicast flows
instead; or, reduce the amount of multicast bandwidth on the network by removing some multicast flows.
There is no hard rule that specifies how much multicast traffic is too much for a Wi-Fi link the performance
of the link is the best real-world indicator.
If you are unable to remove or reduce multicast traffic, there are various ways to filter multicast audio traffic
from the Wi-Fi link.
Filter multicast audio at the access point
Depending on the type of Wi-Fi access point (or AP - typically, a W-Fi modem / router) that you have, it
may automatically block ‘unregistered’ multicast traffic, which is multicast traffic that hasn’t been
specifically requested by a network device. Because Dante Controller will never request to join a multicast
audio stream, the AP will never send multicast audio to the Dante Controller computer.
It should however allow multicast control traffic this is important for Dante Controller, because device
discovery in Dante uses a multicast control protocol.