
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2018 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
to only display devices that contain that text string, in either a device name, or channel name.
The filtering is case-insensitive. For example, in the Dante Controller Network view shown here, entering
the string “foh” in either of the Filter fields would display only the FOH-Amp and FOH-Console devices, and
their channels.
See also: Advanced Filter
Advanced Filter
About the Advanced Filter
The Advanced Filter can be used to filter the devices displayed in the Network View Routing, Device Info,
Clock Status and Network Status tabs.
Use the Advanced Filter to easily locate or display devices with specific names, channel labels, states or
configuration parameters.
To open the advanced filter, click the sidebar button:
(including the text filter) are additive (AND logic, not OR logic). The devices displayed are
those that match all specified conditions. For example, entering ‘amp in the text filter and selecting ‘48k’ in
the Sample Rate filter will display all devices with the ‘amp string in the device name (or receive channel
labels) which are also set to 48kHz sample rate.
Inside a filter group, selections use OR logic. For example, selecting ’44.1k’ and 48k’ in the Sample Rate
filter will display all devices set to either of those sample rates.
Text Filter
The text filter displays devices with device names or receive channel labels that match the text string
entered into the Search field.
The device name filter is case-insensitive (capitalization is ignored), and allows alphanumeric characters
(a-z, 0-9) and the hyphen character (-). Wildcards are not supported.
To clear the device name filter, just delete the text in the Search field, or click the Clear All button.