
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2018 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Channel is receiving audio between -61dbFS and 0dfFS
Channel is clipping
Which devices support channel metering?
Currently, Brooklyn IIand PCIe devices support channel metering inDante Controller. You can check your
device type in the Device Info tab.
n Connected To: Lists the Tx channel that the receive channel is currently subscribed to.
n Status: Shows the status of both primary and secondary subscriptions, using the following icons:
Subscription is OK and audio should be flowing
Subscription is unresolved - usually because the transmitting device
has been removed from the network, or is switched off
No subscription, or a subscription error
Subscription is via unicast connection
Subscription is via multicast connection
Subscriptions can show several symbols in the Status column. Common status icon combinations and
their meanings are as follows:
Unicast device successfully subscribed to a
Redundant device successfully subscribed on
both primary and secondary via unicast
Redundant device successfully subscribed on
both primary and secondary via multicast
Redundant device successfully subscribed on
primary only via unicast. This is typically seen
when the secondary interface is not connected
Flows are 'streams' of audio packets which supply data between devices. Flows can contain up to 4
channels of audio.
Dante devices can support a finite number of receive flows, depending on their specific hardware
configuration and firmware version.
Available Channels
The Available Channels pane lists the devices and advertised channels available on the network. Devices
that are greyed out indicate that this receiver cannot subscribe to those channels or devices. This is
typically because of a mismatch in parameters (e.g. sample rate incompatibility etc.), or because a device
cannot route audio to itself.
For devices with many channels, you can click the Channel Groups button to group available
channels into sets of 16.