
Dante Controller User Guide
Copyright © 2018 Audinate Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
An amber icon indicates that the device has been assigned a role, but there is a warning condition
associated with the assignment.
A red icon indicates that the device has been assigned a role, but there is an error condition associated
with of the assignment.
A black icon indicates that the device has been assigned a role, but the assignment will have a
potentially terminal effect on the operation of the network. A preset cannot be applied if any terminal issues
are identified.
The Issues column lists all issues identified by Dante Controller. Clicking a role or a target device will
highlight the issues associated with that role or role assignment.
The following are 'terminal' issues that could render the network unusable (identified by a black LEDicon):
n You cannot apply the same device name to multiple devices.
n You cannot apply the same static IPaddress to multiple devices.
Other issues may or may not be a problem, depending on your requirements for the network.
Applying the Preset
To apply the preset, click OK. Click Cancel to abandon the operation.
Global Configuration
You can use the Presets feature for global configuration, i.e. applying one or more configuration settings to
a number of devices simultaneously.
For example, if you want to apply the same sample rate to all devices on your network:
1. Set one of your devices to the required sample rate.
Click the Save Preset button
3. Click None, then select only the relevant device.