
Table Of Contents
Yamaha Professional Audio CL StageMix V8 User Guide
Page 23
4.10 GAIN
The gain for each input channel can be controlled using the faders in
StageMix. Press the [GAIN] button in the lower left area of the Mixer window
to enter GAIN mode.
Note: the [GAIN] button will only appear when a bank of Input Channels is
selected since there are no Gain parameters for Output Channels.
Input channels can have both Analog and Digital Gain parameters. When
GAIN mode is selected, a second button labelled [DIGITAL] appears above
the [GAIN] button.
If the [DIGITAL] button is not highlighted, then Analog Gain mode is active.
The background behind the channel faders will be dark red to indicate that
StageMix is in Analog Gain control mode.
Faders can be moved to change the Analog Gain for each channel. The gain
value of each head amp will be displayed above the fader while any fader cap
is being touched. Up to 8 faders can be adjusted simultaneously.
Faders will only appear for channels that have a head amp available.
4.10.1 Digital Gain
When Gain Mode is active, the user can also adjust the Digital Gain for
any channel. Press the [DIGITAL] button to assign all StageMix faders
to control the Digital Gain parameters. The background will change to
a blue shade to indicate that Digital Gain mode is active.