
Table Of Contents
Yamaha Professional Audio CL StageMix V8 User Guide
Page 51
When Surround mode is active in the console, the thumbnail image for each
channel will display the position of the channel’s signal within the surround
field when 5.1 mode is selected in StageMix.
Tap on any of the Surround Pan thumbnails in the Mixer Window to access
the Surround Pan Edit screen.
5.6.1 Surround Pan EditingMono Input Channels
In the Surround Pan Editing screen, move the Panning dot around the
editing graph to position the signal in the surround field.
When a channel is “hard panned” to a specific output (L, C, R, Ls, Rs,
or LFE), a red circle will appear around the edge of the panning dot.
Speaker icon buttons are available around the outside of the surround
pan graph to turn output assignments On or Off for the current channel.
5.6.2 Surround Pan Editing Stereo Input Channels
When a Stereo Input channel is selected, separate dots will be
available to control the Left and Right sides of the Stereo Input
Channel. Move the L and R Pan dots around the editing graph to
position the left and right signals in the surround field. Both dots can be
moved simultaneously.
Speaker icon buttons are available around the outside of the surround
pan graph to turn output assignments On or Off for the current channel.
These assignments will apply to whichever side of the stereo input
channel is currently highlighted in yellow.