
Table Of Contents
Yamaha Professional Audio CL StageMix V8 User Guide
Page 74
7.4.1 Title List
In the top part of the screen, songs available to be played from the USB
memory device are displayed in a list. Tap on a title to select it, ready
to be controlled from the transport section below.
7.4.2 Transport
The transport buttons control recording and playback of a song. Please
refer to the CL console Reference Manual for descriptions of the
transport button functions.
The Elapsed Time of the current song is displayed above the transport
7.4.3 Timeline Location
Press and hold the green dot in the timeline for half a second to take
control and drag the dot to a new location. Release your finger and the
transport will jump to that location.
Alternatively, double-tap on the current song time. This will open a time
display popup and the iPad keyboard. Enter a time using the keyboard,
then press [Locate]. The song will jump to the new time location.
7.4.4 Play Mode
The [SINGLE] and [REPEAT] buttons determine how the recorder will
behave when playback of the current song is complete. Please refer to
the CL console Reference Manual for explanations of these modes.
7.4.5 Recorder Input
On the left side of the Recorder screen, meters display the level of
signals coming into the USB Recorder. The slider next to these meters
provides control of the signal level input to the recorder.
7.4.6 Playback Output
On the right side of the Recorder screen, meters display the level of
signals being output from the USB Recorder. The slider next to these
meters provides control of the output signal level from the recorder.