
Yamaha Professional Audio QL StageMix V8 User Guide
Page 17
Left/Right navigation buttons can be used to navigate to other meter
blocks without leaving the assignment pop-up. To exit the assignment
pop-up, touch anywhere outside of the pop-up or touch the close button
in the top right corner.
On the far-right side, is the master block. This block can be assigned as
either the standard master bank (as found in the standard meter bridge
in StageMix), or as the custom master bank as set on the console.
Please note, it is not possible to edit Custom Fader Bank channel
assignments from StageMix. Please use the Console or QL Editor for
this function.
4.2.2 Custom Fader Bank Naming
Once a fader bank has been assign to a meter bridge block, a name
can be given to the bank.
Double tap on the desired fader bank to open the keyboard. Once a
name has been applied, press [return] to close the keyboard. A
maximum of 8 characters can be used for the bank name.
Use the left/right arrow keys to move to other banks, to name those
banks without having to close the keyboard and re-select the next bank.
The bank name is now displayed under the applicable fader block in the
meter bridge.
The name is linked to the chosen fader bank, not the block position in
the meter bridge. If a named fader bank is changed to a different meter
bridge block location, the name of that bank will automatically follow.