
Yamaha Professional Audio QL StageMix V8 User Guide
Page 75
Note: this information is display only. Modules cannot be mounted to
the rack slots from StageMix. If an Automixer is assigned to any slot, it
will appear blank in StageMix.
8.1.2 Input Patch Assignments
To the left of GEQ or PEQ graphical displays, text labels indicate the
input patch assignments for that rack slot.
Note: this information is display only. Patching cannot be modified from
8.1.3 Accessing GEQ and 8-Band PEQ Editors
The parameter values of each GEQ and 8-Band PEQ are displayed in
the centre of each rack slot. Tap on a graphical display to access the
GEQ or PEQ editor screen.
8.1.4 GEQ Editing
GEQ parameters can be edited as described in section 5.3.
Press the [X] button in the upper right corner of the screen to return to
the Rack screen.
8.1.5 8-Band PEQ Editing
8-Band PEQ parameters can be edited as described in section 5.4.
Press the [X] button in the upper right corner of the screen to return to
the Rack screen.
8.1.6 GEQ and 8-Band PEQ ON
Each GEQ or PEQ can be switched On or Off using the buttons to the
right of the graphical display.
8.1.7 Input and Output Meters
Meters display the levels going into and coming out of each rack slot.
8.1.8 Output Patch Assignments
On the right side of each rack slot, text labels indicate the output patch
assignments for that rack slot.
Note: this information is display only.
8.2 EFFECT Rack
Tap on the [EFFECT] tab to access the EFFECT rack. This will display the 8
slots for the rack.
8.2.1 Rack Slot Assignments
On the left side of each rack slot, a text label identifies the assignment
to that slot: