Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
Velocity Sens To Rate
0 16.
Determines the relationship between the voice’s pressure envelope rates (attack,
decay, and release) and keyboard velocity. When set to “0”, keyboard velocity (i.e. how
fast or hard the keyboard is played) has no effect on the envelope rates. At values higher
than “1”, however, high keyboard velocities will increase the rates and low keyboard
velocities will decrease the rates. The higher the value the greater the effect of keyboard
velocity on the pressure envelope rates.
2: Embouchure & Pitch
Each VL1-m voice has its own embouchure & pitch envelope which deter-
mines how it responds to embouchure and pitch changes. The parameters in
this display page determine how the embouchure & pitch envelope is used and
how it will respond to keyboard velocity.
An inverse “K”(˚) next to a value means that key scaling can be applied to
that parameter. Position the cursor at the appropriate parameter and then press
the button (“KSC”) to go directly to the key scaling page for that param-
eter. You can return to the embouchure & pitch envelope parameter page by
pressing the ] button.
VlSns To Lvl
0 16.
Determines the relationship between embouchure/pitch and keyboard velocity.
When set to “0”, keyboard velocity (i.e. how fast or hard the keyboard is played) has no
effect on embouchure or pitch. At values higher than “1”, however, high keyboard
velocities produce a higher embouchure and pitch variation while low keyboard velocities
produce a smaller variation. The higher the value the greater the effect of keyboard
velocity on embouchure & pitch.
VlSns To Rate
-16 16.
Determines the relationship between the voice’s embouchure & pitch envelope
decay rate and keyboard velocity. When set to “0”, keyboard velocity (i.e. how fast or
hard the keyboard is played) has no effect on the decay rate. At values higher than “1”,