Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
General Operation
Other Navigation Aids
In addition to the standard procedures described in the previous section, the VL1-m
sometimes provides additional help in moving between related functions via the function
In this example display page from the ELEMENT CONTROLLER group, “Bpag
(back page) and “Fpag” (forward page) appear above the § and function buttons.
In this case these buttons can be used to move forward and backward through the entire
list of controller functions so you don’t have to move up to the function directory and
then down to the next function every time you want to select a different element control-
ler page.
Also note the “Para” (Parameter) abbreviation above the button. This enables
you to go directly to the parameters related to the current page: in this case the vibrato
From here you can go back to the vibrato controller page by pressing the
function button again (note that it is now labelled “Ctrl”), or to the vibrato key scaling
parameters by pressing , below “KSC” on the display.
Another variation appears in the COMMON EFFECT parameter displays. In most
cases the number of parameters available for each effect exceeds the capacity of the
display, so the ¡ and function buttons are used to scroll up and down the parameter
list — note the “>” and “<” arrows above the buttons in the display.