Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Utility Mode
2: Load From Disk
This function loads a specified data file from a floppy disk inserted in the VL1-m
floppy disk drive. Five types of data files can be selected.
All system and voice data.
All Utility System page settings and internal Microtuning data.
All 128 voices in the VL1-m memory.
16 voices from 1 VL1-m memory bank (A … H).
1 voice.
All Voice
1 Bank
1 Voice
Disk Load Procedure
1. Insert the Floppy Disk
Make sure the floppy disk containing the data you want to load is properly inserted
in the VL1-m floppy disk drive.
Also make sure that the VL1-m Memory Protect function is turned “off” (
Page 157).
2. Select a File Type and press [
Position the cursor at the type of file you want to load, then press the [
3. Select a File and Press [
When the file window appears, select the file you want to load and press [
Depending on the type of data you have selected, an additional selection window
may appear after you have selected the file you want to load. You may have to select an
individual bank or voice, or specify a destination for the data to be loaded (“SRC” in the
selection window title indicates that you are selecting a source file, while “DST” indicates
that you are selecting a destination). Continue making the required selections and presing
[ until the confirmation prompt appears.
When selecting a voice to load from a long list, you can use the § (“123”)
and (“ABC”) buttons to display the voices in numeric or alphabetic order,
as required. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to sort the data as specified
— the “Now Sorting!” message will appear during the sort operation.