Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Play Mode
Voice Selection
The VL1-m’s 128 voices are organized into 8 banks — “A” through “H” — of 16
voices each (8 x 16 = 128). These can be selected in sequence by using either the data
dial or the = and - buttons. Note that the voice number which appears on the
play mode display includes both the voice bank/number (“A01” through “A16”, “B01”
through “B16”, etc.) and the absolute voice number in parentheses following the bank/
number (“001” through “128”).
= and - Buttons
These are best for small, step-wise changes —
e.g. selecting adjacent voice numbers, or
numbers that are only a few steps away. Press
the = or - key briefly to decrement or
increment the voice number by one, or hold
either key for continuous decrementing or
incrementing in the corresponding direction.
The = and - buttons also have a
largestep function which allows you to skip
ahead or backward in increments of 16: press
either the = or - button while holding
the other button. The bank will switch auto-
matically if you cross a bank voice-number
Data Dial
The data dial provides a fast, efficient way to
cover a broad range of voice numbers when,
for example, you’re looking for a voice but
don’t know the voice number. Simply rotate
the data dial clockwise for higher voice
numbers or counter-clockwise for lower voice
numbers while watching the display. The
banks are automatically switched when neces-
sary as the voice numbers are changed.