Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
Storing Edited Data
Once you’ve created a new voice in the edit mode, it’s necessary to store the voice
to one of the VL1-m’s internal memory locations otherwise the edited data will be lost
when a new voice is selected.
NOTES Any previous data in the memory location to which the new voice is
stored will be erased. If you want to keep the previous data, save it to floppy
disk (
Page 166).
Edited voice data can only be saved to floppy disk after it has been stored to
an internal memory location.
The STORE function can be accessed from the EDIT or PLAY mode.
If you have accidentally lost an edited voice by selecting a different voice after
returning to the PLAY mode, the RECALL function can be used to restore the
edited data as long as no other data has been edited in the meantime (
1. Make Sure Memory Protection Is Off
Make sure that the UTILITY mode Memory Protect function is turned off: press
U to select the UTILITY mode; make sure the “Sys” page is selected; select
5:Miscellaneous” and press [; move the cursor to “Memory Protect
and press = to turn it “off”.
2. Press S In the EDIT or PLAY Mode
If you had to go to the UTILITY mode to turn memory protection off, return to
either the EDIT or PLAY mode and press S. At this point you will get a “Memory
Protected” error message if memory protection is turned on — go back and turn
Memory Protect “off”.
3. Select the Destination Memory Location
Use the cursor buttons, data dial, or = and - buttons to select the memory
location you want to store the edited voice to.
under “
” to display the voices in numerical order, or
under “
” to display the voices in alphabetical order. Sometimes it may
take a few seconds to sort the data as specified — the “
Now Sorting!
message will appear during the sort operation.