Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
Left Right
Left Right
To limit the sound of Element 1
to the left half of the sound field,
for example, set “Element 1
Pan L” to “-64” and “Ele-
ment 1 Pan R” to “0”.
If both the “L” and “R” param-
eters are set to the same value,
the sound of the corresponding
element will appear as a mono
source at the appropriate position
in the stereo sound field. If both
parameters are set to “0”, for
example, the sound of the
element will be heard only in the
center of the sound field.
The Element 2 pan and level parameters will not appear if the Voice Mode
parameter is set to “Single”.
The pan parameters have no effect if the UTILITY mode “Output” param-
eter is set to “Monaural”.
Common Miscellaneous