Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
L In
R In
L Out
R Out
0.33 32.87 ms.
Sets the flanger delay time (the flanger effect is basically produced by modulating
the delay time of one signal in relation to another). Shorter delay times produce the
greatest effect in the high-frequency range, while longer delay times extend the effect to
the middle and lower frequencies. Delays longer than about 5 milliseconds produce a
more chorus-like effect.
-180.0 180.0 deg.
Sets the phase difference between the left and right channel flanger signals. The
larger the value, the greater the “spread” in the sound. A setting of “0” produces a
centered effect.
FB Gain
-100 100 %.
Determines the amount of effect-sound feedback returned to the input of the flanger
stage. Higher negative or positve values produce a more pronounced effect.
0.1 1.0.
Determines the amount of high-frequency effect-sound feedback returned to the
input of the flanger stage. Lower values produce more cut in the high-frequency range.
Analog Feel
0 10.
This parameters simulates the sound of traditional analog flanger devices. The
higher the value the stronger the “analog feel”.
Wet/Dry Balance
0 100 %.
Sets the balance between the direct (“dry”) and effect (“wet”) sound. Higher values
produce a greater proportion of effect sound in relation to direct sound.
Flanger Effect Block Diagram