Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
L,R Delay
Use the ¡ (“>”) and (“<”) buttons to switch between the two pages
of effect parameters.
0 100 %.
Determines how much of the delayed sound is mixed with the direct sound. Higher
values produce higher delay sound levels.
Lch Delay Time
Rch Delay Time
0 512 ms.
Set the delay time between repeats. Independent parameters are provided for the left
(“Lch”) and right (“Rch”) channels.
Use the VL1-m “Time Calculation” function ( Page 59) to enter delay
times based on musical tempo and note lengths.
Lch Level
Rch Level
0 100 %.
Set the overall level of the delay sound. Higher values produce higher delay level.
Independent parameters are provided for the left (“Lch”) and right (“Rch”) channels.
Lch FB Gain
Rch FB Gain
0 100 %.
Determine the amount of effect-sound feedback returned to the input of the delay
stage. Higher values produce a greater number of repeats. Independent parameters are
provided for the left (“Lch”) and right (“Rch”) channels.
Common Effect