Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
Lower Depth” parameter is not available when the “Mode” parameter, below, is set
to “Minimum Base”.
Center Base, Minimum Base.
Selects the controller value (position) which will produce “normal” embouchure.
When set to “Center Base” a central controller position will produce normal embou-
chure, allowing both downward and upward variation. A setting of “Minimum Base
will produce normal embouchure when the controller is set to its minimum position,
allowing only upward variation.
Element Controller
3: Pitch
The § and buttons (“Bpag” and “Fpag”) can be used to go directly
backward or forward to the next Element Controller page without having to
return to the directory.
off, Modulation Wheel Touch EG (124 settings).
The “Pitch” parameter changes the length of the air column or string, and thereby
the pitch of the sound. The “Controller” parameter specifies the controller to be used
for pitch control. When set to “off” no pitch variation is produced.
The actual pitch value applied to the VL1-m tone generator is a mix of the
pitch value from the controller and that from the embouchure and pitch
envelopes ( Page 130).
For the same type of simple pitch control available in conventional synthesiz-
ers, assign only the Pitch parameter to controller you intend to use for pitch
control (normally the pitch bend wheel). For more natural, realistic pitch bend
effects, it is sometimes effective to assign both the Pitch and Embouchure
parameters to the same controller.