Owner's Manual

Feature Reference
Edit Mode
Controller Search & Replace
This function is accessed by pressing the button (“S&R”) from the element
controller directory page. It provides a fast, convenient way to see which controllers are
assigned to which parameters, and to modify the assignments as required.
1. Select the Controller Search & Replace Window
From the element controller directory page, press .
2. Select a Controller
When the “CONTROLLER SEARCH & REPLACE” window appears, use the §
and buttons (“Prev” and “Next”) to search through the assigned controllers (unas-
signed controllers are not displayed). All parameters assigned to the selected controller
are displayed below the controller name (or number).
In this example, only the Growl parameter is assigned to the Modulation
In the following example both Pitch and Scream are assigned to the Pitch bend
3. Make a New Assignment As Required
You can assign a different controller to the parameters shown by using the data dial
or = and - buttons — without cancelling the original assignments. When a
different controller is selected the controller name will flash and any other parameters
assigned to that controller will appear in non-highlighted text.
Here, for example, the Pitch Bend controller shown in the previous example
has been replaced with the Velocity controller, which is current is asssigned to
the Amplitude.