User Manual

Knob Operation Menu
Setting Description
Rotary Drag as if turning the knob to change the value.
Linear Drag up/down or left/right to change the value.
[Recall Confirmation] button
Shows a confirmation message during the Recall operation. Click the button to select on/off.
[Store Confirmation] button
Shows a confirmation message during the Store operation. Click the button to select on/off.
Open Project at launch
Sets whether to load the previously opened project at startup. Click the button to select on/off.
[Performance Log Average] checkbox
Records a log when the Average performance meter exceeds the threshold. Click the button to select
on/off. The logs are shown in Performance log list.
[Performance Log Average] threshold
Shows the threshold for the Average performance meter. Click to edit the threshold.
[Performance Log Peak] checkbox
Records a log when the Peak performance meter exceeds the threshold. Click the button to select on/off.
The logs are shown in Performance log list.
[Performance Log Peak] threshold
Shows the threshold for the Peak performance meter. Click to edit the threshold.
Plugin Blocklist
Shows a list of plug-ins that crashed before, and plug-ins that are not supported.
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