User Manual

Window Configuration
Tool Area
Displays VST Rack window switching and scene information.
[X] button
Exits VST Rack.
If the content is being edited, a dialog asking if you want to save is displayed.
[] button
Minimizes the VST Rack window.
[+] button
Maximizes the VST Rack window.
File button
Opens the file menu.
File Menu
Button Shortcut Key Description
New: - Creates a new project file. Select the number of racks to use
(16 Racks, 32 Racks, 48 Racks, or 64 Racks) in the submenu.
Windows: [Ctrl] +[O]
Mac: [command] + [O]
Opens a saved project file.
If you open a project that contains a plug-in that is not
installed on your computer, that plug-in will not be assigned
to the slot. If you then overwrite and save the project, the
assignment information for that plug-in will be lost. Be
particularly aware of this for projects that are used across
multiple computer environments.
Save: [Ctrl]/[command]+[S] Overwrites and saves the project file.
Save As: [Ctrl]/[command]+[A] Saves the project file as a separate file.
About: - Displays a window with the version information for VST Rack.
Exit: [Ctrl]/[command]+[Q] Exits VST Rack.
Displays the current scene.
You can recall a scene from the pop-up menu that is displayed when you click here.
In SETTINGS, you can configure the settings so that the recall confirmation dialog is not
Window Configuration
VST Rack Pro User’s Guide | 3