User Manual

Table Of Contents
VXL1-16P Remote Control Protocol Specications Version 1.2.0 rev2
3. Command Specications
3.3.2. External control protocol run mode setting
2-3) Result and change notication character encoding setting
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
scpmode encoding ascii ASCII encoding mode (default setting)
utf8 UTF-8 encoding mode
Response string Description
OK scpmode encoding ascii ASCII encoding mode change complete
OK scpmode encoding utf8 UTF-8 encoding mode change complete
Example: Command: scpmode encoding utf8
Response: OK scpmode encoding utf8
Meaning: Change the result and change notication encoding code to UTF-8.
The encoding mode was changed to UTF-8.
2-4) Value notication mode setting
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
scpmode valuetype raw Raw value mode (default setting)
normalized Normalized value mode
Response string Description
OK scpmode valuetype raw Raw value mode change complete
OK scpmode valuetype normalized Normalized value mode change complete
Example: Command: scpmode valuetype normalized
Response: OK scpmode valuetype normalized
Meaning: Change parameter change notications to normalized value mode.
Parameter change notications were changed to normalized value mode.
2-5) Normalization resolution setting
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
scpmode resolution (res) Resolution for normalized value notications
(default setting = 1000)
Details: (res) = Resolution for normalized values
Response string Description
OK scpmode resolution xxxx The resolution for normalized value notications
Details: xxxx = Specied resolution * Specied resolution should be more than 100.
Example: Command: scpmode resolution 128
Response: OK scpmode resolution 128
Meaning: Set the resolution of normalized values for setn commands to 128.
The resolution of normalized values for setn commands was set to 128.