User Manual

Table Of Contents
VXL1-16P Remote Control Protocol Specications Version 1.2.0 rev2
3. Command Specications
2-8) Normalized value parameter query
Command Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Description
getn AccessID X Y Normalized value parameter query request
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Response string Description
OK getn AccessID X Y (value) Normalized value parameter query response
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
(value) = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
Example: Command: getn VXL:Ch/InputVolume/Level 0 0
Response: OK getn VXL:Ch/InputVolume/Level 0 0 408
Meaning: Query the 1ch level of the Input Volume Conferencethe with raw values.
The 1ch level of the Input Volume Conference is -31.50.
(When the normalized value resolution is 0-1023, 408 means -31.50.)
3.3.4. Parameter setting
2-9) Raw value parameter setting
Command Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Description
set AccessID X Y (value) Raw value parameter setting
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
(value) = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
Response string Description
OK set AccessID X Y (value) "(string)" Raw value parameter setting response
OKm set AccessID X Y (value) "(string)"
* If the requested parameter value is outside the range, the value is adjusted within the range and set.
If this occurs, the result notication will be OKm instead of OK.
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
(value) = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
"(string)" = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
Example: Command: set VXL:Ch/InputVolume/Level 0 0 -775
Response: OK set VXL:Ch/InputVolume/Level 0 0 -775 "-7.75"
Meaning: Set the 1ch level of the Input Volume Conference to -7.75 using raw values.
Input Volume Conference Ch level is set to "-7.75"