Operator`s manual

Exercise 4: Trolling speed maneuvering
This exercise familiarizes you with the watercrafts handling characteristics at trolling
speed. It teaches techniques you will use when beaching, docking, or approaching objects.
Starting and turning at trolling speed.
Drill 1: Moving straight and turning at trolling speed
1. Board the watercraft, and check for people, objects and other watercraft.
2. Start the engine and go straight ahead.
3. Begin to turn, making a large figure eight about 1521 m (5070 ft) long. Do not apply
Drill 2: Making full-lock turns at trolling speed
1. Turn the handlebars as far as possible in either direction. Allow the watercraft to turn
2. Practice turning both clockwise and counterclockwise to get a feel for how the watercraft
responds to handlebar movement.
E_F2M-10.fm Page 12 Thursday, July 15, 2010 11:15 AM