User Manual

DTX-PRO Reference Manual
Symptom Possible cause Solution
No sound
Out of balance
No sound The cable is not prop-
erly connected
Ensure that the DTX-PRO is properly connected to headphones or
an external audio system, such as an amplifier and/ or speakers.
Ensure that the cables you are using are in good condition.
Pad settings have not
been properly config-
Turn the “PadFunction” setting in MENU/Utility/Pad “off.”
Trigger settings are
Check the “Pad Type” parameter from MENU/Trigger/Pad Type.
Check the “Velocity Curve” parameter from MENU/Trigger/Curve,
and the “Gain” parameter from MENU/Trigger/Pad Type.
Ensure that the “Minimum Level” parameter from MENU/Trigger/Pad
Type has not been set too high, as this can prevent sound from
being output.
Check the settings in MENU/Trigger/Input Mode.
Filter and decay set-
tings have not been
properly configured
If using filters, re-adjust your VoiceFilter settings as they often pre-
vent sound from being output.
Check the VoiceFilter and VoiceDecay settings in MENU/Kit Edit/
MIDI settings have not
been properly config-
Ensure that the “MessageType” parameter from MENU/Kit Edit/Kit
Modifier/Voice is set to “note.”
When the “MessageType” parameter from MENU/Kit Edit/Kit Modi-
fier/Voice is set to “note,” the sound will not play if the “Voice Num-
ber” parameter from MENU/Kit Edit/Kit Modifier/Voice is set to “no
Ensure that the “VelLo” parameter from MENU/Kit Edit/Kit Modifier/
Voice/MessageType is not set too high. Pads will produce sound
only when struck harder than the value set here.
Ensure that the “TrgVel” parameter from MENU/Kit Edit/Kit Modifier/
Voice/MessageType is not set too low. Low trigger velocities result in
low output volumes.
Ensure that the “MIDI LocalCtrl” parameter from MENU/Utility/Gen-
eral is set to “on.”
The volume or level
settings are improper
The headphone vol-
ume is not turned up
The metronome vol-
ume is not turned up
Check the following:
Volume controllers on amplifiers and/or speakers connected to the
MENU/Kit Edit/Volume
The trigger output level of any pads with a dial allowing this to be
The [MASTER VOLUME] knob on the DTX-PRO front panel.
The sliders on the MIXER screen.
Volume for the metronome (Click). ([CLICK VOLUME] knob)
Poor volume balance Poor volume balance
between each of the
Ensure that the sliders on the MIXER screen have been set appropri-
Poor volume balance
between the external
audio device and the
Individually adjust the output volumes of the DTX-PRO and the
external audio devices.
Adjust settings in MENU/Utility/Input Output/AUX In Gain.
Adjust the volume with the [AUDIO VOLUME] knob.
Poor EQ balance Poor EQ balance Adjust the Phones EQ and the Master EQ.
Pads with position
sensing do not pro-
duce sounds properly
Ensure that the Pad Type parameter has been set correctly.
Check the orientation of the cymbal pad. When this is not set prop-
erly, the cymbal pad may not be fully functional.
Make sure to connect the pad to the proper jack that supports posi-
tion sensing.
Headphone volume is
too low
Kick volume is too
low in headphones
Adjust the values in MENU/Utility/Output Gain.
Adjust the PhonesEQ.
Use high quality headphones.