User Manual

MENU Button
DTX-PRO Reference Manual
The Voice parameters shown with A, B, C, or D in the upper right of the screen are for layers, while the voice parameters shown without are
for input sources.
MENU/Kit Edit/Voice
Screen Parameter Settings Description
Category Refer to the Data
List (PDF)
Specifies the voice category.
VoiceNumber Refer to the Data
List (PDF)
Specifies the voice number.
Import Wav Imports audio files.
When you press the button below “ENTER”
([F3]), the IMPORT screen appears.
VoiceTune -24.0 – 0.0 –
(0.1=10 cents)
Sets the tuning of the voice assigned. 0.1 cor-
responds to 10 cents.
VoiceDecay -64 – 0 Sets the decay (the time it takes for the sound
to fade away to silence) for the voice assigned.
The smaller the value, the crisper the sound
produced becomes.
VoicePan L63–C–R63 Sets the stereo pan of the voice.
VoiceFilter -64 – 0 – +63 Sets the filter cutoff frequency for the voice
assigned. Negative values produce a darker
sound, while positive values produce a brighter
VoiceQ -64 – 0 – +63 Sets the Q (filter resonance) for the filter of the
voice assigned. Increases the signal near the
Filter Cutoff Frequency adding character to the