User Manual

Data Structure of the MOTIF XF Editor
MOTIF XF Editor Owner’s Manual
Data Structure of the MOTIF XF Editor
The MOTIF XF Editor lets you create the following data and save them as a single file (extension: X3E).
Current Global data (latest status of edited global parameters)
Current data in the Voice mode (latest status of edited Voice)
Current data in the Song/Pattern mode (consisting of Mixing setup, latest status of edited Voice and 16 Mixing Voices)
User Voice data (consisting of three Normal Voice Banks and one Drum Voice Bank)
Current settings includes the latest settings of the Common and Element parameters for the Voice last assigned to
each of Parts 1 – 16, as well as Mixing parameter settings such as Voice assignment, pan, volume and effect for
each Part. Among the Voice Banks, only the Mixing Voice Bank data belongs to the Current settings. The MOTIF
XF Editor lets you edit parameters (including Element parameters) of the Voice assigned to each Part and save the
latest edit status as a file without storing it as a User Voice or a Mixing Voice. This means that you can easily recall
the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening the file.
n The MOTIF XF Editor handles the Global data which includes some of the parameters shown on the “G” row in the Mixer
section and all the parameters in the Global Settings of the Parameter Category section (pages 21 and 24).
The diagram illustrated below indicates the structure of the data created via the MOTIF XF Editor, the
structure of the data stored in the internal memory of the MOTIF XF instrument and the relationship between
those two types of data.
*1 When the MOTIF XF instrument is connected to the computer properly with the ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOTIF XF Editor affects the same parameter on the MOTIF XF itself, and
vice versa.
*2 The Store Voice operation on the Editor will store the Voice data to the memory of the MOTIF XF instrument as well as the memory of the Editor.
*3 The Store Global operation and Store Mixing operation will store the data only to the memory of the MOTIF XF instrument.
MOTIF XF Editor (computer)
Current Global data
Current data in the Voice mode
Current data in the Song or
Pattern mode
• Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Voice
(page 48)
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 4 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
Editor file
(Extension: .X3E)
Data sync
Data sync
Data sync
Current Global data
Current data in the Voice mode
Current data in the Song or
Pattern mode
• Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Global data
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 4 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Mixing
(page 49)
Store Global
(page 48)
MOTIF XF instrument
Store Voice
(page 48)