User Manual

Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Interval
Determines the measure interval with which the Remix
operation is executed. In other words, this parameter
determines the measures to which Remix is applied. When
this parameter is set to “1,” Remix is applied to all
measures. When set to “2,” Remix is applied to the data of
the 2nd measure, 4th measure, 6th measure, and so on.
When set to “3,” Remix is applied to the data of the 3rd
measure, 6th measure, 9th measure, and so on.
The measures to which Remix is applied are shown on the
display. See below (5).
Settings: 1 – 8
4 Type diagram
Indicates the division point and the amount of division
determined by Type (1). The diagram below indicates the
division points in 16th note resolution. When Type is set to
“1,” for example, the data is divided at the upbeat before
beat 4. When Type is set to “2,” the data is divided at three
points: the upbeat before beat 2, the downbeat of beat 3,
and the upbeat before beat 4.
5 Interval diagram
Indicates the measures to which the Remix is applied.
These measures are located at the same interval
determined by the Interval (3) parameter. The example
below results when setting the Interval (3) to “2.”
6 [SF4] Cancel
Pressing this button cancels the most recent Remix which
has not been fixed yet. This button is not available after the
result of Remix is fixed or before Remix is executed.
7 [SF5] Apply
Pressing this button executes Remix. If you are not satisfied
with the result after Remix is executed, press the [SF4]
button and try Remix again. If you are satisfied with the
result, press the [ENTER] button to fix the remixed data.
1 Set the Type (1), Variation (2) and Interval
2 Press the [SF5] button to execute Remix.
3 Confirm the result of the Remix operation.
If you are not satisfied with the result of the Remix,
press the [SF4] button then try again.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to fix the Remix
5 Press the [STORE] button to store the Pattern
to internal User Memory.
Ty pe = 1
Ty pe = 2
1st beat 2nd beat 3rd beat 4th beat
Remix Procedure