User Manual

MOTIF XF Owner’s Manual
Display Messages
Now saving... Indicates that a file is being saved.
Now scanning autoload file. Scanning for the files specified for Auto Load.
Now transmitting MIDI bulk data... Indicates this synthesizer is transmitting MIDI bulk data.
Are you sure?
A save operation will overwrite data on the external storage device as destination, and this message confirms
whether it is OK to continue or not. Press [INC/YES] or [DEC/NO] as required.
Password is invalid. The password you input does not match the already registered password,
Password is too short. The password you input to “New Password” is too short. Input at least five characters as a password.
Password is unspecified. This message appears when setting the File Server Switch parameter to “ON” though a password has not been
Phrase limit exceeded. The maximum number of Phrases (256) has been exceeded when recording, executing a Pattern Job, or
Please keep power on. The data is being written to Flash ROM. Never attempt to turn off the power while data is being written to Flash
ROM. Turning the power off while this message is shown results in loss of all user data and may cause the
system to freeze (due to corruption of data in the Flash ROM). This may also result in the MOTIF XF being
unable to properly start up the next time the power is turned on.
Please select User Voice. This message appears when entering the File mode from the Performance mode and selecting a Part to which
a preset Voice is assigned in the Waveform Load operation. Assign a User Voice to the destination Part then
execute the Load operation.
Please stop sequencer. The operation you have attempted to execute cannot be done during Song/Pattern playback.
Sample frequency is too low. The sampling frequency is too low and the Frequency Convert Job cannot be executed.
Sample is too long. The Sample size is too large and the Time Stretch Job cannot be executed.
Sample is too short. The Sample length is too short and the Frequency Convert Job cannot be executed.
Sample memory full. The Sample memory is full and further Sampling operations, Jobs, or load operations cannot be executed.
Sample Voice full The maximum overall number of Sample Voices has been exceeded when executing the Sampling related
operations including Jobs and Load.
Scene stored. The Song Scene has been stored to one of the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
Sequence memory full. The internal memory for Sequence data is full, preventing any further operation (such as recording, editing, Job
execution, MIDI reception/transmission, or loading from the external storage device). Try again after erasing
unwanted Song, Pattern, or User Phrase data.
The edited sequence data will be
Are you sure?
Indicates that the operation will delete the currently edited Song or Pattern.
The received MIDI bulk data’s type is
not compatible with the current mode/
voice type.
This message appears when MIDI bulk data is received in a different mode other than the currently selected
mode. The bulk data is received in the same mode as the transmitting mode. This message also appears when
the Voice type (Normal Voice/Drum Voice) of the destination Mixing Parts is different from the bulk-dump-
transferred Voice type. The destination Parts assigned to the same Voice type as the bulk-dump-transferred
Voice type are selected.
This Performance uses User Voices. The Performance you have loaded includes User Voice data. Check whether the Voice you saved exists at the
appropriate User voice bank.
Too many Samples. The maximum overall number of samples (8192) has been exceeded.
Unrecognized Flash Memory Module.
Please format it.
An unformatted Flash Memory Expansion Module has been recognized. Execute the Format operation.
USB connection terminated.
Press any button.
A break in the connection with the USB storage device has occurred because of an abnormal electric current.
Disconnect the USB storage device from the USB TO DEVICE connector, then press any of the panel buttons.
Utility/Sequencer Setup settings
The settings in the Utility mode have been stored.
Waveform full The maximum overall number of Waveforms has been exceeded when executing the Sampling related
operations including Jobs and Load.
When the checkbox is “on,” all user
data is initialized the next time the
power is turned on.
LCD Indication Description