
2New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.50
New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.50
Yamaha has upgraded the MOTIF XF firmware to Version 1.50, adding a new function. This supplement to the Owner’s Manual
describes this change.
Additional New Effect Types
The MOTIF XF offers following new effect types.
The following new Reverb types are now available.
The following new Insertion guitar effect types (in the Guitar Efx
category) are now available. The basic parameters are common
with the existing Distortion effect types, but these new effect
types reproduce more realistic and characteristic amplifier
New Effect Parameters
Effect Type Description
HD HALL Reverb emulating the acoustics of a concert hall
with high-density sound.
HD ROOM Reverb emulating the acoustics of a room with
high-density sound.
HD PLATE Reverb emulating the acoustics of a metal plate
reverb unit with high-density sound.
Effect Type Description
US COMBO A simulation of an American combo amp.
JAZZ COMBO A simulation of a famous combo amp.
US HIGH GAIN A simulation of a famous American high gain
BRITISH LEAD A simulation of a famous British stack amp.
MULTI FX A simulation of multiple effect devices for guitar
SMALL STEREO Stereo distortion effect for guitar sounds.
BRITISH COMBO A simulation of a famous British combo amp.
BRITISH LEGEND A simulation of another famous British legend
Parameter name Description
Balance Determines the sound balance of the low and
high frequencies.
Bass Determines the characteristics of the low
Brilliant Determines the brilliance of the sound.
Chorus Determines the Chorus type.
Comp. Level Determines the level of the compressor.
Comp. Sustain Determines the ratio of the compressor.
Comp. SW Turns the compressor on or off.
Cut Determines the cutoff of the high frequency.
Delay Ctrl Determines the delay depth/level selected in
Delay SW.
Delay SW Determines the Delay or Modulation type.
Delay Time Determines the delay time.
Depth Determines the depth of the Chorus/Vibrato.
Distortion Determines the degree and character of the
distortion effect.
Dist EQ Determines the Equalizer type for the
distortion characteristics.
Dist Drive Determines the degree of the distortion effect.
Dist Presence Determines the characteristics of the
distortion effect.
Dist SW Determines the distortion type.
Dist Tone Determines the characteristics of the
distortion sound.
Dist Type Determines the distortion type.
Gain Determines the gain of the pre-amp.
Gain Boost Switches the gain of the power amp.
High Cut Cuts the sound of the high frequency.
High Damp Frequency Determines the decay of the high frequency.
High Treble Adjusts the characteristics of frequencies
higher than the Treble setting.
LFO Speed Determines the modulation speed.
Low Cut Cuts the sound of the low frequency.
Master Volume Determines the gain of the power amp.
Mic Position Determines the virtual distance of the
microphone from the speaker.
Mid Cut Cuts the sound of the middle frequency.
Mid Sweep Determines the cutoff frequency around
which the middle frequency sound is cut.
Mid Width Determines the width of middle frequencies
which are to be cut.
Middle Determines the characteristics of the middle
Mode Determines the pre-amp type.
Normal Determines the volume for flat EQ settings.
Output Determines the output volume.
Panning Determines the spread of the chorus/vibrato
Phaser SW Determines the type of the phaser.
Plate Type Determines the type of the plate.
Preamp Determines the gain of the pre-amp.
Presence Boosts the high frequency sound.
Sensitivity Switches the gain of the pre-amp.
Speaker Air Boosts the special characteristics of the
speaker cabinet.
Speaker Type Determines the type of speaker.
Treble Determines the characteristics of the high
Tone Shift Determines the characteristics of the tone
Type Determines the type of amplifier.
Vib Speed Determines the speed of the vibrato. This
parameter is available only when the Chorus
parameter is set to “On.”
Volume Determines the volume of the pre amp.
Wah Pedal Determines the position of the wah pedal.
Wah SW Determines the type of wah effect.
Parameter name Description