
MOTIF XF Owner’s Manual
In the Voice Play display (the top display of the Voice mode),
you can select and play a single Voice. The Voices of this
instrument are divided into the following two types:
Normal Voices
Normal Voices are mainly pitched musical instrument type
sounds (piano, organ, guitar, etc.) that can be played over
the range of the keyboard.
Drum Voices
Drum Voices are mainly percussion/drum sounds that are
assigned to individual notes. These Voices are used to
perform rhythm parts.
This instrument features Banks for memorizing Voices. There
are basically three different types of Banks: Preset, User, and
GM. The contained Voices and features depend on the Bank
as described below.
Preset Banks
The Preset Banks contain a full set of specially programmed
Voices. Voices you've edited yourself cannot be saved in the
Preset Banks.
User Banks
The User Banks contain the Voices you have edited and
stored. The Voices of User Bank 1 are those of your original
creation, while the Voices of User Banks 2 – 4 are picked up
from Preset Voices by default. The Voices No. 1 – 8 of the
User Drum Bank are those of your original creation, while the
Voices No. 9 – 32 of the User Drum Bank are picked up from
Preset Voices by default.
If a Voice in a User Bank (User Voice) is overwritten or replaced, that
User Voice will be lost. When you store an edited Voice, be careful not
to overwrite any important User Voices.
GM Bank
The GM Bank contains the Voices allocated according to the
GM standard.
In the Voice mode, a total of 16 Banks (Preset Bank 1 – 8,
User Bank 1 – 4, GM Bank, Preset Drum Bank, User Drum,
GM Drum Bank) are available. Each of these Banks includes
the Voices according to the Voice type. In the Voice Play
display, you can select the desired Voice from various Voice
Banks and play it.
NOTE For details about the Voice, refer to “Basic Structure.” For a list of
the Preset Voices, refer to the separate Data List PDF file.
Selecting a Preset Voice
1 Press the [VOICE] button.
This calls up the Voice Play display. (The [VOICE] button
lamp lights.)
2 Press the [PROGRAM] button so that the lamp
lights then press one of the Bank buttons to select
a Voice Bank.
In this condition, playing the keyboard sounds the Voice
indicated in the display. The parameters shown in the Voice
Play mode are briefly explained below.
The above display appears when the Type is set to “1” and
the Name Position is set to “TOP” at the VOICE line in the
display called up via the [UTILITY] [F1] General [SF2]
Screen. You can change this parameter setting by pressing
any of the Cursor buttons while holding the [EXIT] button.
This operation lets you call up the desired one from four
types of the display design provided in the MOTIF XF.
Normal Voice Banks
There are 13 different banks for the Normal Voices: PRE1 – 8
(Preset Banks), GM (GM Bank), USR1 – 4 (User Banks).
Drum Voices Banks
There are 3 different banks for the Drum Voices: PDR (Preset
Drum Bank), GMDR (GM Drum Bank), UDR (User Drum
3 Press one of the Group buttons [A] – [H] then
press one of the Number buttons [1] – [16] to
select a Voice.
NOTE You can use the data dial or [DEC]/[INC] buttons to select
the Voice number. This operation lets you call up Voices in
subsequent or previous Banks.
4 Play the keyboard.
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice mode
GM Voice
GM (General MIDI) is a worldwide standard for Voice
organization and MIDI functions of synthesizers and tone
generators. It was designed primarily to ensure that any
song data created with a specific GM device would sound
virtually the same on any other GM device—no matter the
manufacturer or the model. The GM Voice bank on this
synthesizer is designed to appropriately play back GM
song data. However, keep in mind that the sound may not
be exactly the same as played by the original tone
Voice name
Voice number
(Group and Number)
Category Main 1 and Sub 1
Status whether or not the current Voice is
registered to the Favorite Category