
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
1 Source Phrase
2 Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern number (01 – 64) and Phrase
number (001 – 256) of the source and destination
3 Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices assigned to
the source Phrase are copied to the destination Phrase as
Sample Voices, and are assigned to the corresponding
tracks in the selected Pattern. Make sure to set this
parameter to on when coping the Phrase using the Sample
Voice. When there is no memory available in the destination
Pattern for Sample Voice data, an alert message will
appear on the display and the Sample Voice data will not
be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job 02: Delete to
delete any unused samples, then try again.
Any previous data in the copy destination will be overwritten.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the contents of two
specified Phrases. This is useful if you wish to exchange
two Phrases each of which is assigned to a different
1 Phrase to be exchanged
2 Phrase to be exchanged
Determines the Pattern number (01 – 64) and Phrase
number (001 – 256) to be exchanged respectively.
n If this Job is applied to Phrases which use Sample Voices, the
Sample Voices will not be exchanged.
This Job mixes all data from two selected user Phrases—1
and 2—and places the result in Phrase 2. This is useful if
you wish to create a new Phrase by mixing two Phrases
played, for example, by different drum instruments.
1 Original Phrase
2 Original Phrase and Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern numbers (01 – 64) and Phrase
numbers (001 – 256) to be mixed respectively. Executing
the Job mixes all data from two selected user Phrases—1
and 2—and places the result in Phrase 2.
n Keep in mind that applying this Job to Phrases with Sample
Voices does not mix the Sample Voices.
This Job appends one Phrase (1) to the end of another
(2) to create one longer Phrase.
1 Original Phrase
2 Original Phrase and Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern numbers (01 – 64) and Phrase
numbers (001 – 256) to be appended respectively.
Executing the Job appends one Phrase (1) to the end of
the Phrase (2).
n If this Job is applied to Phrases which use Sample Voices, the
Sample Voices of the source Phrase (1) will not be appended.
n If the Pattern length becomes greater than 256 measures as a
result of the this Job, an error message will be displayed and
the Job will be aborted.
02: Exchange Phrase
03: Mix Phrase
04: Append Phrase