
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggios are also useful for creating Phrases, which can
be used as the basic building blocks in making a Pattern.
Create User Phrases as desired then assign them to the
desired track in the Patch display (page 170).
This section shows how to record a Arpeggio playback to a
Pattern track.
1 Select an Arpeggio type in the Arpeggio
display (page 178) of the Pattern Record mode.
When the Arpeggio With Voice Switch parameter is set
to “on,” the Voice appropriate for this Arpeggio type is
automatically selected.
2 Record playback of the selected Arpeggio to
the Pattern track.
Record different Arpeggios to other tracks by repeating
steps 1 – 2. It is a good idea to assign a name to the
created Phrase in the Pattern Patch display (page 170) for
future recall.
3 Create Pattern data by assigning the created
Phrases to the Section in the Pattern Patch
display (page 170).
For example, create a Section A for the intro, a Section
B for the verse, a Section C for the chorus, and a
Section D for the ending—and you have the basic
blocks to build an original Song.
4 Create the Pattern Chain data by programming
the playback order of the Sections.
Pattern Chain allows you to string several different
Patterns together to make a single Song. For details,
see page 171.
5 Convert the Pattern Chain data to Song data.
For details, see page 174.
Creating an original Arpeggio type
In addition using the preset Arpeggios, you can also create
your own original Arpeggio data. The procedure is as
1 Record the MIDI sequence data to a Song or
Up to four tracks can be used in creating an Arpeggio.
Up to 16 unique note numbers can be recorded to the
Arpeggio track. If more than 16 different note numbers
have been recorded to the MIDI sequence data, the
Convert operation automatically reduces the notes in
excess of the limit. Because of this, be careful to record
only up to 16 different notes when you create an
2 Convert the recorded MIDI sequence data to
Arpeggio data.
Use the “Put Track to Arpeggio” Job in the Song Job
mode (page 164) or the Pattern Job mode (page 186).
After setting the related parameters, press the [ENTER]
button to execute the Job.
The created Arpeggio types can be selected from the User
bank in the Arpeggio display.
Arpeggio playback/recording in the
Pattern mode