
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
This synthesizer is loaded with such a wealth of different features, functions and operations, you may find it difficult to locate
and call up the particular feature you need. This is where the Master function comes in handy. You can use it to memorize the
operations you use most often in each mode, and call them up instantly anytime you need them with a single button press.
The MOTIF XF has space for a total of 128 of your own User Master settings.
Press the [MASTER] button to enter the Master Play mode.
Master Play mode
To enter the Master Play mode and call up the Master Play display, press the [MASTER] button from the current mode.
Selecting a Master Program
The MOTIF XF features 128 specially programmed
Masters, stored to internal User Memory (Flash ROM). The
Bank consists of eight Groups (A to H), each of which
contains 16 Master programs. To call up the desired Master
program, select the appropriate Group and Number.
Playing the Keyboard in the Master
Play mode—[MASTER]
In the Master Play mode, you can select a Master program
and play the keyboard according to the settings of the
selected Master program. Changing the Master number
lets you call up one of the modes and various settings such
as tone generator settings (multi-timbral or single) and
MIDI settings.
Type 1 of the Master Play display
Type 2 of the Master Play display
1 Master Number (Group/Number)
Indicates the selected Master number.
n Master numbers 001 to 128 are converted to the format
(shown in the parentheses) related to Banks A to H and
Program Numbers 1 to 16 (for the Bank). This format is related
to the Group buttons [A] – [H] and the Number buttons [1] –
[16]. The Master numbers and the corresponding Group/
Numbers are listed below.
2 Master name (Indication only)
Indicates the name of the current Master.
3 Mode (Indication only)
Indicates the mode memorized to the current Master. One
the modes (Voice, Performance, Pattern or Song) is
indicated here.
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Group/Number Program Number
A01 – 16 001 – 016
B01 – 16 017 – 032
C01 – 16 033 – 048
D01 – 16 049 – 064
E01 – 16 065 – 080
F01 – 16 081 – 096
G01 – 16 097 – 112
H01 – 16 113 – 128
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