
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Common Edit parameters
Common Edit lets you edit the parameters common to all
Zones of the selected Master.
From this display, you can assign the name to the entire
Master program (at the top of this display) and all the
Zones (1 – 8 listed on this display) used in building up the
Master. For detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
From this display you can set basic parameters for the
Master, including the mode that is called up with the Master
and the program number.
1 Mode
Determines the mode that is called up when the Master
number is selected.
Settings: voice, performance, pattern, song
2 Memory
Determines the Program number that is called up when the
Master is selected. The name of the selected Voice/
Performance/Song/Pattern is shown.
Settings: Differs depending on the Mode setting above.
When the Mode is set to Voice:
Voice Bank: PRE1 – 8, USR1 – 3, GM, GMDR, PDR, UDR
Voice Number: 001 (A01) – 128 (H16)
When the Mode is set to Performance:
Performance Bank: USR1 – 3
Performance Number: 001 (A01) – 128 (H16)
When the Mode is set to Pattern:
Pattern Number: 01 – 64
When the Mode is set to Song:
Song number: 01 – 64
3 Zone Switch
Determines whether or not the keyboard will be divided into
(up to) eight independent areas (called “Zones”). For
details about Zones, see page 212.
Settings: on, off
4 Knob Ctrl Assign (Knob Control Assign)
From this display you can set which row of Knob functions
will be lit and selected. When set to “zone,” selecting the
Master lights no lamp and automatically calls up the Knob/
Slider functions specifically set for each respective Zone
(page 217).
Settings: Differs depending on the Mode setting above. Note that
“zone” can be selected only when the Zone Switch (3) is
set to “on.”
When the Mode is set to Voice:
tone 1, tone 2, ARP FX, zone
When the Mode is set to Performance, Pattern or Song:
tone 1, tone 2, ARP FX, reverb, chorus, pan, zone
5 [F6] Get Name
Pressing the [F6] button assigns the name of the currently
selected Voice/Performance/Song/Pattern to the Master
6 [SF6] INFO (Information)
Press this button to call up the information window of the
current Master.
Master Information—[SF6] INFO
This window indicates the information of the current Master.
Settings cannot be changed here.
1 Master Name
Indicates the name of the current Master.
2 Mode
Indicates the mode memorized to the current Master. One
of the modes (Voice, Performance, Pattern or Song) is
indicated here.
Naming the edited Master—[F1] Name
Other Parameter Settings—[F2] Other