Recording Equipment User Manual

Table Of Contents
Internal Structure (System Overview)
Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
Pattern data structure
The following illustration shows the track structure of a Pattern. Patterns are created by recording MIDI sequence data to
individual tracks, by assigning Phrases (Preset and User) which is material for a Pattern to individual tracks, and by setting tone
generator related parameters (in a Pattern Mixing).
Pattern Mixing
Even if you record your keyboard performance to a Pattern
track, the setup data (non-note events such as voice, pan,
volume) which for proper playback should be recorded at the
top of the Pattern will not be recorded to it. For this reason, the
setup data handled as Pattern Mixing settings should be
stored in the Pattern Mixing Store mode. Unlike the Song, only
the voice number is recorded to a track as a Track Voice
(Phrase Voice) which is used for playback normally. Because
the Pattern Mixing is a collection of settings related to the tone
generator, it can be applied to the sequence data transmitted
from the external MIDI sequencer as well as this synthesizer’s
Pattern playback.
n When the Multi-Part Plug-in Board PLG100-XG has been installed,
Mixing of sixteen parts (17 - 32) can be set. Please note that the Multi-
Part Plug-in Part (17 - 32) settings apply not to one individual Pattern
but to all 64 Patterns.
A Pattern consists of one or more “Sections” (Pattern
variations). You can play the Pattern by specifying a Section
after selecting a Pattern.
This is the basic MIDI sequence data – and the smallest unit –
used in creating a Pattern. “Phrase” is a short musical/
rhythmic passage for a single instrument, such as a rhythm
pattern for the rhythm part, a bass line for the bass part, or a
chord backing for the guitar part. This synthesizer features
687 Preset Phrases, and features memory space for 256 of
your own original User Phrases.
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
User Phrase 1 - 256
(MIDI sequence data)
Mixing Common Edit Parameters
applied to all the parts
Part 1 Mixing settings Part 17 Mixing settings
Part 18 Mixing settings
Part 19 Mixing settings
Part 32 Mixing settings
16 Sections
Mixing Voice 01
Mixing Voice 16
Part 2 Mixing settings
Part 3 Mixing settings
Part 16 Mixing settings
Pattern Chain
Part PLG1
Part PLG2
Part PLG3
Audio Input part
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
Mixing settings
Set in the Pattern Play mode
Created in the Pattern Record mode, Pattern Edit mode, and Pattern Job mode
Created in the Mixing Voice Edit mode
Created in the Sampling mode entered from the Pattern mode
Created in the Pattern Chain mode
Set in the Pattern Mixing mode and Pattern Mixing Edit mode
Pattern 64
Pattern 01
Groove, Transmit Channel/Port, Track loop, Track Voice settings
User Phrase 1 - 256
(MIDI sequence data)
Preset Phrase 1 - 687
(MIDI sequence data)
Mixing Common Edit Parameters
applied to all the parts
Please note that the Multi-part Plug-in
Part (17-32) settings apply not to one
individual Pattern but to all 64 Patterns.
Copy the Phrase
recorded to a track of
another pattern
The Patch function lets you assign
a Phrase to each track.
Track 1 MIDI sequence data
Track 2 MIDI sequence data
Track 3 MIDI sequence data
Track 16 MIDI sequence data
User Phrase
Preset Phrase
Sample Voice
Pattern Mixing (Tone Generator related settings)