Recording Equipment User Manual

Table Of Contents
Reference Song Mode
Supplementary information
Owner’s Manual
Supplementary information
Song Track Loop — setting example
In the example below, a 40-measure song has been recorded and
Track 1 is set to play back normally over the 40 measures. Track 2 has
been set to loop, and will repeat until the [J] (Stop) button is
When Track Loop has been set to on, you can specify the range to be
looped. (Only the end point can be set; the start point of looped
playback is fixed to the beginning of the song.)
Please note that changing the Track Loop from off to on will delete the data
of the area that is not looped.
1 Press [F1] to call up the Song Play display. Here, change
the change the current measure — this will be used for the
last measure of the loop.
2 Call up the [F3] TRACK [SF3] TR LOOP display and
move the cursor to the track to be looped.
3 Set the selected track to on by using the [INC/YES] and
[DEC/NO] buttons or the data dial. (The display prompts
you for confirmation.)
4 Press the [INC/YES] button. The Loop is set to on and the
data after the loop end is deleted
If you want to restore the deleted data and return the selected
track to off, press the [SF5] UNDO button.
The Undo function can only be used on the last Track Loop operation.
If you’ve set other tracks to loop, the data of those previous tracks can-
not be recovered.
Step Recording — examples
This section explains how to step-record notes, using three specific
n The explanations here using the Song mode display apply also to the
Pattern mode.
• Example 1
1 Set the parameters as illustrated below.
Press the Record button to call up the display below. Here, we'll
set the Step Time to (480) so that quarter notes will be entered,
and set the GateTime to 100% to have the notes play in legato.
2 Play the keys C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C in order.
Each time you press a key and release it, the pointer moves
forward by one step and the played note is recorded.
3 Move the pointer to the top (beginning) of the song and
press the [F] (Play) button to hear the note data you just
recorded in steps #1 and 2.
[SONG] [F3] TRACK [SF3] TR LOOP (Track Loop) page 222
The four-measure data is repeated ten times
Tra ck1
(40 measures of data)
Tra ck2
(40 measures of data)
In this example, set to “004.
[SONG] or [PATTERN] [I] (Record) [F1] SETUP
Type = step
page 224