Recording Equipment User Manual

Table Of Contents
Reference Pattern Mode
Pattern Job mode
Owner’s Manual
06: Get Phrase From Song
This Job copies a segment of sequence-track data from
a Song into the designated destination phrase.
After specifying the source Song/track/range of
measures to be copied, the destination phrase, and
setting the checkbox of Copy Sample, press the
[ENTER] button to execute this Job.
When the Copy Sample box is checkmarked, Sample
Voices used by the source track are copied to the
destination Pattern as Sample Voices, and are assigned
to the destination phrase. This parameter has no effect when no Sample Voice is used by the source track.
n When there is no memory available in the destination Pattern for Sample Voice data, an error message will appear on the
display and the Sample Voice data will not be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job 02 “Delete” to delete any unused
samples, then try again.
The Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination phrase.
Undo/Redo (page 244) cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy operation.
07: Put Phrase To Song
This Job copies a selected user phrase into a specified
area of a selected song.
After specifying the source phrase, destination Song/
track/top measure, and setting the Copy Sample
checkbox, press the [ENTER] button to execute this
When the Copy Sample box is checkmarked, Sample
Voices used by the source phrase are copied to the
destination Song as Sample Voices, and are assigned
to the destination Song track. This parameter has no effect when no Sample Voice is used by the source phrase.
n When there is no memory available in the destination Song for Sample Voice data, an error message will appear on the display
and the Sample Voice data will not be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job “Delete” to delete any unused samples, then try
The Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination track.
Undo/Redo (page 244) cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy operation.
08: Clear Phrase
This Job deletes all data from the selected phrase.
When the Delete Sample box is checkmarked, sample data assigned to the selected phrase will be deleted. This
parameter has no effect when no Sample Voice is used by the selected phrase.
Undo/Redo (page 244) cannot be used to undo/redo a Delete Sample operation.
09: Phrase Name
This Job lets you assign a name (of up to eight characters) to the selected phrase.
For instructions on naming, refer to page 53 in the Basic Operation section.
[F5] TRACK (Track Job)
01: Copy Track
This Job copies all data from a specified source track to
the specified destination track.
The types of data to be copied are the same as in the
Song Job mode. See page 231.
02: Exchange Track
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of
data between two specified tracks in the current Pattern
and section. The types of data to be exchanged are the
same as in the Song Job mode. See page 232.
03: Clear Track
This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the
selected Pattern track.
The types of data to be cleared are the same as in the
Song Job mode. See page 232.
Source Song, track, and range of measures
to be copied.
Destination phrase
Source phrase
Destination Song, track,
and top measures
Source Pattern, section, and track
Types of data to be copied Destination Pattern, section,
and track
Target tracks for the Exchange operation
Types of data to be exchanged
Section and track from which data is to be cleared
Types of data to be cleared