Recording Equipment User Manual

Table Of Contents
About the editing functions
Owner’s Manual
Basic Operation
Control Slider (CS)
You can adjust the volume of the Voice/Performance you play on the keyboard, or the volume of the specified part (track) of the
Song/Pattern by using the Control Sliders (CS). In the Master mode, various functions as well as the volume can be assigned to
the Control Sliders (CS) when the Zone Switch is set to on (page 137).
Function sets assigned to the Control Slider (CS)
n The [MASTER VOLUME] slider adjusts the overall output level of the instrument, while the Control Sliders adjust the MIDI Volume setting of the
corresponding Element or Part.
About the editing functions
There are three types of method for creating data – Editing parameters (Voice, Performance, etc.), Recording MIDI data (Song,
Pattern, etc.), and Recording audio data (Sampling).
In this section, we’ll explain the basic operations for editing the Voice, Performance, Song Mixing, Pattern Mixing, Mixing Voice
n For details on recording MIDI data, see pages 118 (Song) and 110 (Pattern). For details on recording audio data (for Sampling), see pages 94 and 107.
n The Song Edit function (for editing the Song MIDI sequence data) and the Pattern Edit function (for editing the Pattern MIDI sequence data) are not
explained here. See page 124.
Edit Indicator
You can adjust or set various parameters by using the data dial, [INC/YES] button, [DEC/NO] button, Knobs, and Control Sliders
in the Voice mode (Play/Edit mode), Performance mode (Play/Edit mode), Song Mixing mode, Pattern Mixing mode, and Mixing
Voice mode. When changing the value of the parameter in these modes, the [E] (Edit Indicator) will appear on the top left corner
of the LCD display. This indicates that the current program has been modified but not yet stored. If you wish to store your sound
obtained by edit operation, be sure to store the current program to internal User memory in the Store mode before selecting
another program.
Functions controlled by each Slider
Voice mode When a Normal Voice is
selected (page 60)
Element1 Volume Element2 Volume Element3 Volume Element4 Volume
When a Drum Voice is
selected (page 61)
Volume of the entire Voice sound (moving any Slider produces same volume)
Performance mode Part1 Volume Part2 Volume Part3 Volume Part4 Volume
Song mode/Pattern mode When tracks (Parts) 1 - 4
are selected
Track1 (Part1) Volume Track2 (Part2) Volume Track3 (Part3) Volume Track4 (Part4) Volume
When tracks (Parts) 5 - 8
are selected
Track5 (Part5) Volume Track6 (Part6) Volume Track7 (Part7) Volume Track8 (Part8) Volume
When tracks (Parts)
9 - 12 are selected
Track9 (Part9) Volume
Track10 (Part10)
Track11 (Part11)
Track12 (Part12)
When tracks (Parts)
13 - 16 are selected
Track13 (Part13)
Track14 (Part14)
Track15 (Part15)
Track16 (Part16)
Master mode When the Zone Switch is
set to on (page 137)
Function assigned for each Master from the [MASTER] [EDIT] Zone selection [F4] KN/CS
display (page 140)
Edit Indicator
Voice Edit
Performance Edit
Song Mixing Edit
Pattern Mixing Edit
Mixing Voice Edit
If the Edit Indicator
Voice Store
Performance Store
Song Mixing Store
Pattern Mixing Store
Mixing Voice Store