
Table Of Contents
Touch screen
Owner’s Manual
Touch screen
Basic touch screen
This section explains the basic procedures you can perform
on the CLs touch screen. In general, you will operate the CL
using an appropriate combination of the operations
explained here.
Pressing the touch screen
You will mainly use this operation to switch screens and
pages, to select a parameter to operate, and to turn a button
on or off. Certain buttons let you specify a number based
on the area of the button itself that you touch.
Multiple selection (specifying a range)
While pressing your finger on the touch panel, move it in
the left or right direction to specify a range within a
character string. You will use this technique primarily
when assigning a name to a scene or library.
For the channel select buttons, you can select multiple
buttons by moving your finger across the touch screen
while continuing to press down.
This makes it easy to select a range of buttons to be turned
on or off together.
Special key operations
Typically, you will press a top panel key once, but in certain
cases you can access special functions by rapidly pressing a
key twice in succession.
Knob operations
Typically, knobs are rotated left or right to change the value
of the corresponding parameter. By pressing a knob, you
can recall a specific screen.
For certain parameters, you can adjust the value in finer
steps (greater detail) by rotating the knob while pressing it.
Multifunction knob operations
Multifunction knobs 1–8 are used to operate knobs
selected in the touch screen.
A thick line will be displayed around a selected knob if it
can be controlled by a multifunction knob. (Typically, a
knob of this type corresponds to the multifunction knob
located immediately below it and allows you to control up
to eight parameters simultaneously.)
While a knob is selected, turning the multifunction knob
located immediately below it will change the value of the
corresponding parameter.
In the SCENE LIST screen, you can select multiple items by
rotating a multifunction knob while pressing it.
The on-screen user interface
The section below explains various user interface
components that appear in the touch screen, and how to
use them.
Tabs enable you to switch between multiple pages. Each tab
indicates its page name.
Buttons are used to execute specific functions, to switch
parameters on or off, or to select one of the multiple
choices. Buttons that perform on/off operations appear in
solid colors while they are turned on, and dark while when
turned off.
When you press a button labeled with two overlaid “
symbols or a “” mark, a separate window will open,
allowing you to make detailed settings.
Faders / Knobs
Faders and knobs on screen move in tandem when you
operate the top panel faders and knobs. The current value
appears immediately below the fader or knob.
If you press once a knob that can be operated by a
multifunction knob, a thick frame appears around the
knob. This frame indicates that the knob has been selected
for operation.
Pressing certain knobs a second time while a thick frame
is displayed around them will open a window in which you
can make additional detailed settings.
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