
Table Of Contents
Owner’s Manual
Frequently asked questions are posted on the Yamaha Pro
Audio website:
Power does not turn on; panel LEDs and the LCD
display do not light.
Is the CLs POWER switch turned on?
Is the power cable connected to a proper AC outlet?
Is the power cable plug inserted all the way — has it
clicked and locked in securely?
If the power still does not turn on, contact your Yamaha
The unit is not receiving an input signal.
Did you correctly set the UNIT ID and the DIP
switches on the I/O rack connected to the CL before
turning on the power to the devices?
Are the settings in the DANTE SETUP screen on the
unit specified correctly?
Is a signal being input from an external device?
Is the SIG indicator on the I/O rack lit?
If a phantom-powered microphone is connected to the
CL unit, are the I/O racks the [+48 MASTER] switch,
CLs [+48V MASTER] switch, and [+48V] button of
each channel set to on?
Is the GAIN of the internal head amp, external head
amp, or I/O rack set to an appropriate level?
Is the input port patched to an input channel?
Is the [ON] key indicator of the input channel lit?
Is the fader of the input channel raised?
Is the EQ attenuator raised?
Could the insert be turned on even though it has not
been specified correctly?
If you are using an optional I/O card, is it installed cor-
Sound is not output from headphones or the
Is the [PHONES] knob or [MONITOR LEVEL] knob
set to an appropriate volume?
Is the monitor fader set to an appropriate level?
Has the monitoring source been selected?
Could the DIMMER be applied to the signal?
Press the MONITOR button, then check the MONITOR
area on the display.
The sound level is too low.
Is the GAIN or digital gain on the head amplifier, exter-
nal head amp device or I/O rack set to an appropriate
Are the input channel faders raised?
Could the EQ gain be turned down excessively?
Are EQ’s attenuators raised?
Could the GATE/COMP threshold or ratio setting be
set to an extreme value?
Are the output channel faders raised?
Check the level in the corresponding METER function
Is the channel fader assigned to a DCA group raised?
Could MUTE MASTER be turned on for the channel
assigned to a MUTE group?
Sound is distorted.
Is the word clock set correctly?
Is the GAIN of the internal head amp, external head
amp, or I/O rack set to an appropriate level?
Could the analog gain have been too low while the Gain
Compensation is turned on?
Could the digital gain be set to an extremely high set-
Could the input channel fader be raised too high?
Could the STEREO channel fader be raised too high?
Could the EQ gain be set to an extremely high setting?
Could the latency have been too low in the DANTE
SETUP screen?
Sound is output even though it is not patched to
an output channel.
Could you have assigned an input channel to direct
Could you have assigned an output channel as the
insert out?
The volume of a specific channel rises and falls.
Could DYNAMICS1/2 be set to ducking or to an
extreme parameter value?
Operating a fader does not control the level as
you expect.
Could the function access area indicate MIX/MTRX
ON FADER? And could SENDS ON FADER mode be
Only the sound of a specific channel is heard from
Could a [CUE] key be on?
Noise occurs from an externally connected
recorder or other device.
Is the word clock set correctly?
Could the input signal be unsynchronized?
Could the oscillator or talkback be turned on?
High frequency range is attenuated.
Could emphasis be applied? This problem will occur if
the input signal status does not match the emphasis
Could EQ be applied?