User Manual

Rear Control Section
Output Jack
This is the pickup’s passive signal output jack.
Connect this jack to a device with a high-impedance input such as a preamplifier, direct
box, or musical instrument amplifier.
* The input impedance of the first device (preamp, direct box, etc.) the instrument connects to has
a major influence on the sound quality produced by the speakers. In order to obtain the maximum
performance from the instrument, we recommend connecting to a device with an input impedance
of more than 1MΩ.
* Since signal strength decreases in relation to the length of the cable connecting the instrument
to the first device, we recommend using the shortest possible cable length that does not interfere
with your performance.
Using an equalizer, etc., to cut frequencies below the instruments lowest pitch
(around 200Hz for the G on the 4-string and about 150Hz for the C on the 5-string)
can reduce unwanted noise such as bow return, hum, etc., with minimal impact on
sound quality.
Volume Control
Adjusts the volume. Turning to the right increases volume, turning to the left decreases. (The
volume control is active only when the output selector switch is depressed (
Selector Switch (Volume Control Enable Switch)
Selects whether the signal output path goes from the pickup straight to the output jack (direct
), or passes through the volume control ( ).
* The direct out signal offers the full tonal potential of the instrument, with low-end tone that is fat
and punchy.
* Noise can occur when switching the selector. Before switching, lower the volume on the amplifier,
external equipment, etc.
Before connecting the Electric Violin to any external equipment, make sure the power is switched
OFF or the volume is fully lowered on all devices. Failure to do so can result in a loud sound that
can damage equipment or your hearing.