User Manual

Panel Controls and Terminals
PSR-E273 YPT-270 Owner’s Manual
Display Items
Each icon appears on the display when each function is on.
How to Select a Voice/Song/Style
Press one of the [VOICE], [SONG], and
[STYLE] buttons.
Select your desired Voice/Song/Style by
one of the following
zc methods.
z Select using the Category buttons (!2; page
The Voice category names are displayed in the upper row
of the panel, the Song category names are in the middle
row, and the Style category names are in the lower row.
You can select the Voice/Song/Style in each category.
Each time these buttons are pressed, the Voice/Song/
Style switches sequentially.
x Select using the [+]/[-] buttons (!3; page 13).
Press the [+] button to select the next Voice/Song/Style
and [-] button to select the previous one.
c Select using the Number buttons (!2; page 13)
Pressing the [FUNCTION] button for longer than a sec-
ond enables you to use the Category buttons as Num-
ber buttons. Press your desired Voice/Song/Style
Number referring to the Voice/Song/Style Lists (pages
26–32). To quit the numerical input, press the [FUNC-
TION] button for longer than a second again.
While this icon appears on
the display, the VOICE/
SONG/STYLE Category but-
tons can be used as Number
Indicates that a Dual Voice (No.
387–401) is selected.
Ultra-Wide Stereo (Function Num-
ber 017; page 22)
Duo Mode (Function Number 022;
page 23)
....Voice selection mode
....Song mode
....Style mode
* The mark next to the mode name indicates which
mode is active and whose contents can be selected
with the Category buttons or [+]/[-] buttons.
* always appears on the display.
Indicates the chord which is
played on the Auto Accompani-
ment range (page 17) of the key-
board, or specified via Song
Part (page 16)
A-B Repeat (page 16)
Style (page 17)
Indicates notes currently being played.
Indicates the correct notes when using the Quiz function,
the melody notes of a Song when using the Song lesson
function, or the notes of chord for the Auto Accompani-
ment, etc.
Indicates the current mea-
sure number of current
Style/Song or the Function
Number (page 21).
Indicates the information about the Quiz
(page 19).
Voice category
Song category
Style category