User Manual

The Functions
PSR-E273 YPT-270 Owner’s Manual
Effect (page 15)
012 Reverb Type Reverb 01–03 (Hall 1–3)
04–05 (Room 1–2)
06–07 (Stage 1–2)
08–09 (Plate 1–2)
10 (Off)
** Determines the Reverb type. The best suited type is called up
by selecting a Song or Style.
Adds the ambience of a club or concert hall to the sound.
013 Reverb Level RevLevel 000–127 64 Determines how much of the Voices signal is sent to the
Reverb effect.
014 Chorus Type Chorus 1 (Chorus1)
2 (Chorus2)
3 (Chorus3)
4 (Flanger1)
5 (Flanger2)
6 (Off)
** Determines the Chorus type. The best suited type is called up
by selecting a Song, Style or Voice. However, this Chorus
effect is not applied to some Voices because their Chorus
Depth (Function Number 006) are set to “000” by default. In
that case, raise the Chorus Depth as desired.
Makes the Voice sound richer, warmer and more spacious.
015 Panel Sustain Sustain on/oFF oFF Determines whether the Panel Sustain function is on or off.
016 Master EQ Type MasterEQ 1 (Speaker)
2 (Headphone)
3 (Boost)
4 (Piano)
5 (Bright)
6 (Mild)
1 (Speaker) Sets the equalizer applied to the speaker output for the
desired sound in different listening situations.
Master EQ types
017 Wide Type Wide 1 (Wide1)
2 (Wide2)
3 (Wide3)
4 (Wide Off)
4 (Wide Off) Determines the Ultra-Wide Stereo type.
Higher values produce a greater Wide effect (except for 4).
Quiz (page 19)
018 Quiz Level QuizLvl AUt (Auto), 1, 2, 3 AUt (Auto) Determines the Quiz Level.
Metronome (page 12)
019 Time Signature
TimeSig 00–15 ** Determines the time signature of the Metronome.
020 Metronome
MetroVol 000–127 100 Determines the volume of the Metronome.
Lesson (page 16)
021 Your Tempo YourTemp on/oFF on This parameter is for the Lesson 3 “Waiting.” When set to ON,
playback tempo will change for matching the speed you are
playing at. When set to OFF, playback tempo will be main-
tained regardless of the speed you are playing at.
Function Name Display Range/Settings Default Value Descriptions
1 Speaker Optimum for listening via the instru-
ment’s built-in speakers.
2 Headphone Optimum for headphones, or for listen-
ing via external speakers.
3 Boost Features more powerful sound. When
selecting this type, there are some
Voices or Styles that may easily dis-
4 Piano Optimum for piano solo performance.
5 Bright Lowers the mid range for a brighter
6 Mild Lowers the high range for a softer
AUt (Auto) The Quiz Level increases the difficulty
from Level 1 to Level 3 according to
the number of correct answers.
Correct answers 0-4: Level 1
5-7: Level 2
8-9: Level 3
1 One note sounds.
2 Three notes sound one-by-one.
3 Three notes sound simultaneously.