
SETTINGS Setup menu En 79
Adjust Dolby Pro Logic IIx Music surround decoder parameters.
This setting can be configured only when “Matrix Decoder” (p. 78) is set to “DPL Music”.
Center Width
The greater the value, the broader the sound to the left and right. Smaller values restrict
sound to the center.
Adjustable range
0 to 7 (default: 3)
When this is set to “On”, sounds from the front left and right channels are routed to the
left and right for a surround, panoramic effect.
Off (default), On
This setting adjusts the difference in levels between the front and surround channels.
The greater the value, the higher the volume from the front channel. The smaller the
value, the higher the volume from the surround channels.
Adjustable range
-3 to +3 (default: 0)
Specify whether or not the unit’s sound output timing is synchronized with other
MusicCast-enabled devices when sound is distributed from this unit to other
MusicCast-enabled devices.
This setting can only be configured when “Link Control” is set to “Standard (default)” or “Speed Boostwith
the MusicCast CONTROLLER app.
DPLx Parameter
Setup Menu
DPLx Parameter
Audio Delay (LINK)
Setup Menu
Audio Delay (LINK)
Audio Sync
Output timing is synchronized with other MusicCast-enabled devices (to which
sound from this unit is distributed).
Lip Sync
Output timing is adjusted in accordance with the “Audio Delay” setting in the
option menu (p. 88). Select this option if you notice a deviation in timing
between audio and video playing on a TV or BD/DVD player.