
Use to manually adjust the various parameters related to
the sound output.
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TONE CONTROL (Tone control)
You can adjust the tonal quality of sound beams.
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TREBLE (Treble)
Use to adjust the high-frequencyresponse.
Choices: -12 dB to +12 dB
Initial setting: 0 dB
BASS (Bass)
Use to adjust the low-frequency response.
Choices: -12 dB to +12 dB
Initial setting: 0 dB
SUBWOOFER SET (Subwoofer settings)
Use to manually adjust the various subwoofer settings.
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[..FE L.EUEL,........... (3dB
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[3k ]] ,' [bi"]] :;Li!::'.."[)o _.,._n[)._,i[:i,.'[Zi,..]] ',;!iie i
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BASS OUT (Bass out)
Low-frequency(bass) signals can be directed to the
subwoofer or the front left and right channels. This setting
also determines the routing of LFE (low-frequency effect)
signals found in Dolby Digital or DTS sources.
Choices: SWFR (Subwoofer), FRONT
Select SWFR if you connect a subwoofer. LFE and
low-frequency signals from other channels are directed
to the subwoofer.
Select FRONT if you do not use a subwoofer. LFE and
low-frequency signals from other channels are directed
to the front left and right channels.
CROSS OVER (Crossover)
When BASS OUT is set to SWFR, you can use this
feature to select a crossover (cutoff) frequency for all low-
frequency signals. All frequencies below the selected
frequency will be sent to the subwoofer position.
Choices: 100Hz, 120Hz, 150Hz
LFE LEVEL (Low-frequency effect level)
Select to adjust the output level of the LFE (low-frequency
effect) channel according to the capacity of your
subwoofer. The LFE channel carries low-frequency
special effects which are only added to certain scenes.
This setting is effective only when this unit decodes Dolby
Digital or DTS signals.
Choices: -20 to 0 dB
DISTANCE (Distance)
Select to adjust the distance of the subwoofer from the
listening position.
Choices: 0.3 to 15.0 m (1.0 ft to 50.0 ft)
Initial setting: 3.0 m (10.0 ft)
MUTE LEVEL (Muting level)
Use to adjust how much the mute function reduces the
volume level.
Choices: MUTE, -20 dB
Select MUTE to completely halt all sound output.
Select -20 dB to reduce the current volume level by
20 dB.
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