
Limited Guarantee for European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland
Thank you for having chosen a Yamaha product. In the unlikely event that your Yamaha prnduct needs guarantee service, please contact the dealer from
whom it was purchased, lfynu experience any difliculty, please contact Yamaha representative office in your country. You can find lhll details on our
website (http://ww,,_;yamaha-hifi.eom/or http://ww,,_; U.K. resident).
The product is guaranteed to be flee from deli_cts in workmauship or materials fnr a period of two years from the date of the original purchase. Yamaha
undertakes, subject to the conditions listed below, to have the faulty prnduct or any part(s) repaired, or replaced at Yamaha's discretion, without any charge
lor parts or labom'. Yamaha reserves the right to replace a product with that of a similar kind and/or value and condition, where a model has been
discontinued or is considered uneconomic to repair.
|. Ti1e _>rigirr_l il1_,_:_ice(rr s_les receipt (sl_(r_iI1g _tte c_t`pt_rci1:_se, pr_lt1ct cc_e _rr_ _le_ler,s I1_r_re) ML_ST _ccc_r_r_l1y ti1e def_ctive _rc_dt_ct, _l_>_g _,itlr _
statement detailing tire fault. I n tire absence of this clear proof of purchase, Yamaha reserves the right to relhse to provide free nf charge service and tire
product may be returned at the customer's expense.
2. The product MUST have been purchased from an AUTHORISED Yamaha dealer within tire European Economic Area (EEA) nr Switzerland.
3. The product nmst not have been the subject of any modifications or alterations, unless authnrised in writing by Yamaha.
4. The following are excluded from this guarantee:
a. Periodic maintenance and repair or replacement of parts due to normal weal" and teal'.
b. Damage resulting from:
(1) Repairs perfnrmed by tire customer himself nr by an unauthorised third party.
(2) Inadequate packaging or mishandling, when the product is in transit from the customer. Please note that it is tire customer's responsibility to
ensure the product is adequately packaged when returning the product fnr repair.
(3) Misuse, including but not limited to (a) fhilure to use the product lor its normal purpnse or in accordance with Yamaha's instructions on the proper
use, maintenance and storage, and (b) installation or use nf the product in a manner inconsistent with the technical nr safety standards in fierce in
the country where it is used.
(4) Accidents, lightning, water, fire, improper ventilation, battery leakage or any cause beyond Yamaha's controh
(5) Deli_cts of the system into which this product is incorporated and/or incompatibility with third party products.
(6) Use of a product imported into the EEA aud/or Switzerland, not by Yamaha, where that product does not conlorm to the technical or safety
standards of the country of use and/or to the standard specilication of a product sold by Yamaha in the EEA and/or Switzerland.
(7) Non AV (Audio Visual) related products.
(Products subject to "Yamaha AV Guarantee Statement" are defined in our website at http://ww,,_;
http://www.yamaha-uk.eonV for U.K. resident.)
5. _lret.e tI_e `g_ara_tee differs bet_ee_ tI_e c_t_r_try _r_`pt_t.c_ase ar_d t_re c_>_ntry _.t_se c_`tI_e pr_>_r_ct_ t_re gt_ara_tee c_`tI_e c_rt_r_try c_`r_se sI_a]] app]y.
6. Yamaha may not be held responsible hrr any losses or damages, whether direct, consequential or otherwise, save for the repair or replacement of the
7. Please backup any custom settings or data, as Yamaha may not be held responsible lor any alteration or loss to such settings or data.
8. This guarantee does not aflect the consumer's statutory rights under applicable national laws in lorce or the consumer's rights against the dealer arising
frnm their sales/purchase cnntract.
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