User Manual

Unified Communications Microphone & Speaker System
YVC-1000 White Paper
The YVC-1000’s sound signal processing technologies actualize high-quality sound and pleasant communications
via the six basic signal processing technologies in the diagram below, which are configured by two of Yamaha’s
unique technologies that support them.
(Figure 1-1)
The details of signal processing features are described in chapter 2. This chapter describes the overview and
configuration of these features and the outlined image of their correlations.
1. Signal processing technology to improve microphone sound-pickup quality
The Adaptive echo canceller, Automatic tracking, Noise reduction, Dereverberation and Automatic gain control
features correspond to this technology. The high-accuracy human voice distinguishing technology of "HVAD -
Human Voice Activity Detection (See Chapter 3)" that Yamaha has developed on its own for the YVC series is
installed as a function to enhance some of these features.
2. Signal processing technology to improve speaker sound reproducing quality
Automatic room EQ is a signal processing technology used for acoustic signal reproduction. It automatically controls
the built-in speaker equalizer depending on the environment currently used to improve the listenability of
reproduced sounds.
3. Signal processing technology to automatically optimize acoustic settings
YVC-1000 is equipped with the automatic audio tuning function (See Chapter 3) as a Yamaha's unique technology.
YVC-1000 automatically optimizes its acoustic settings by learning about the acoustic environment of a room where
it operates. Prior to its use, simply press the tuning fork button to activate the automatic audio tuning function,
which immediately allows the acoustic settings to be optimized in advance. Implementing this function optimizes
the parameter settings of the signal processing technologies to make full use of the capabilities of the individual
technologies. Also, this function automatically compensates the differentials in delay times or frequency responses
between the built-in and external speakers, if any, to improve the listenability of reproduced sounds.
Chapter 1
Overview of YVC-1000 Sound Processing