
(1) Meters
The following meters are located in the upper center part of the instrument panel.
B/C and New B/C type panels use analog electric systems and have a pointer indicator.
Turn the panel light switch (illumination switch) ON for easy viewing.
• Tachometer
The engine speed is indicated. Engine speed can be monitored.
• Hour meter
The number of hours of operation is indicated, and can be used as a guide for periodic maintenance checks.
• Cooling Water Temperature Meter (C, New C)
The cooling water temperature is indicated. Enables monitoring of the cooling condition of the engine.
• Lube Oil Pressure Meter (C, New C)
The engine oil pressure is indicated.
Enables monitoring of the condition of the engine’s lube oil.
(2) Alarm Devices
When there is some problem during operation, the alarm buzzers and lamps will come on.
• Alarm buzzers
When the various alarm lamps come on, the alarm buzzers will come on at the same time and continue to
sound. However, no alarm buzzer will sound when the charge lamp comes on.
• Buzzer stop switch
When the buzzer sound is no longer necessary, it can be turned off with the Buzzer stop switch.
• Alarm lamps
The alarm monitor window indicates the trouble spot when one of the symbols shown below lights up.
When operation is normal the alarm lights are off; however, should some problem arise, the sensors will pick
it up and cause the light behind the appropriate symbol to come on.
When the charge is abnormal, the lamp will come on. When charging begins the lamp will
go off. (Alarm buzzer will not sound when the lamp comes on.)
When the temperature of the cooling fresh water exceeds the maximum (95 degree C or
higher), the lamp will light. Continuing operation at temperatures exceeding the maximum
will result in damage and seizure. Check the load and the cooling system for any abnormal-
When the lube oil pressure falls below specified oil pressure sensor will detect this and the
lamp will come on. Continuing operation with insufficient oil will result in damage and sei-
zure. Check the oil level.
When the drain inside the water separator in the fuel filter becomes excessive, the sensor
will cause the lamp to come on. Clean out the drain in the water separator. If operation is
continued without cleaning, it will become impossible to feed fuel to the engine or damage
and seizure of the fuel injection pump will result.
5. SAIL DRIVE LEAK (New C, New B(optional))
When the seal rubber attached between sail-drive and hull is damaged and sea water leaks
into between the seal rubbers, the lamp comes on. If this hapenes, stop the engine and
quickly return to the nearest port under sail for repairs.
6. FUEL EMPTY (New B, New C(optional))
When the amount of fuel in the tank is insufficient, the sensor will activate the lamp. Fill with